Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What should i ask for my birthday?? URGENT?

my birthday is coming up and i dont know what to ask for. i like video/computer games but i stop using them in a month or two. i REALLY want the wii but my dad doesnt want to spend a lot of money and plus something better could come out soon and that would be the new must-have. i asked for a dvd player but i want to change my mind on that one because were getting on demand so u can just buy movies for the same price as renting them. (but i dont know if im getting it installed in my room though). i like electronics but again, my dad doenst want to spend a lot of money. i really want to get something this weekend which starts tomorrow so please help!!!!!!

THANK YOU =)What should i ask for my birthday?? URGENT?
hmm not sure you can get an ipod or something but thats kind of expensive...

when people would ask me what i wanted for my birthday I would joke around and say a pink pony with blue hair and one of my good friends got me this huge stuffed animal and it was a pink pony with blue hair..

Its really the thought that counts...

What should i ask for my birthday?? URGENT?
Perhaps you and your dad should do something special..go hiking, go to lunch, a short day trip...whatever... , or do something special for someone else. You will always remember that day. You will not remember a dvd player or any electronic gizmo 20 years from now...think about it... and happy birthday to you. Birthdays are awesome.

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