Saturday, February 18, 2012

Could this happen at Night of Champions?

Could Cody Rhodes turn on Legacy because he is the one everyone isn't that threaten of and if he aligns himself with Chris Jericho would it be good. Ted Debiase couldn't turn on Legacy just yet because The Marine 2 is coming out on DVD very soon and they are gonna need Debiase to be a face to get good sales.

So basically the storyline could happen like this, Rhodes turns on Legacy and stay a heel then Debiase starts to fight with Jericho and Rhodes and in the process Dibiase becomes a face.Could this happen at Night of Champions?
I dont think rhodes will turn on legacy, but Dibiase? definately yes. I would be fed up with ortons $hit too.
No that won't happen, Legacy is staying together and Dibiase is a heel, Legacy is a heel group you make it sound like if Dibiase stays with Orton and Legacy he's going to be a face well they are all heels, and also Rhodes is like Orton's number 1 right hand man if anyone were to turn on the group it'd be Dibiase who has lashed out at Orton several times. but either way they aren't breaking up for awhile WWE plans to keep them together for awhile.Could this happen at Night of Champions?
I Highly dout it. Legacy isn't a tag team we're it'll last for a month,uhhh HELLO its LEGACY!!!!! 3rd generation Superstars. I Think it'll last for longer than that
Don't care. DiBiase doesn't impress me, Rhodes even less so. They're about as much in Jericho's league as I am.Could this happen at Night of Champions?
I was thinking of that a while ago but after what just happened. I don't think so.
with what happened minutes ago? no

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