Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Twilight DVD Help..Preorder, or not to preorder?

OK so heres the thing...im obsessed with twilight. not gonna lie. and as all twilight fans know the dvd comes out the 21st of this month! WOOH! haha

and target is giving out a 3 DISC dvd!! and i want to know if i should preorder it...

if i dont preorder it...i would go buy it the day it comes out [obviously]...but there is that slight chance it may sell out :/

but if i do preorder it...then im sure to get one, but i wont get it till a couple days later.

i just cant make up my mind!! wait..or take the chance of not getting it at all but maybe getting it sooner?? AHH HELP ME!!!

and btw if you do know if there is like a certain day you get it if you preorder it..that would be tons of help too!!

Thanks to all :]

and p.s. im totally not like a dork...just vampire obsessedTwilight DVD Help..Preorder, or not to preorder?
Just buy it when it comes out. It's cheaper.

Yours truly,
Just go get it when the store opens on the 21st. They won't sell out.Twilight DVD Help..Preorder, or not to preorder?
Buy it in the store. The Dark Knight didnt even sell out and it was the highest grossing movie of the summer. Pre-ordering is a little overrated because it never gets to you on that day. It wont make you any less of a fan if you wait until the day it's released.
i pre-ordered it

but im not 100% sure when it will come out

there is a chance that it will be sold out...there are A LOT of twilight fans out there

but if u want it as soon as it comes out...go to the store when it comes out

i think its at midnight on March 21, so just go out then, or wait until that morningTwilight DVD Help..Preorder, or not to preorder?
Honestly unless you want to go to one of the release parties (like at Hot Topic) than just buy it on the 21st. I think that is the main reason why people are pre ordering it is to attend the release party. The stores will be pretty stocked up on the DVD. If you are really worried about it than get there when the store opens. Hope this helps!
Don't get it at all. It's a fad.
I am not pre ordering because I think they will have tons of them in the stores. I do not think they will sell out. I want to see who is giving the best deal. So far I think its Target with the free itunes download. Good Luck!
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